How Do I Choose A Home Electricity Plan?

How Do I Choose A Home Electricity Plan?

When you look at most plans you will see options differing by a few cents per/kWh. The electric companies charge you based on a kilowatt-hour. A kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 1 kilowatt (1kW) of power used for 1 hour (1h). Wait, WHAT? Ok let’s try this, take one 100-watt light bulb and keep it on for 10 hours. You just used 1,000 watt-hours or 1 kilowatt-hour. You’re thinking, ok ok, so my electric bill doesn’t matter too much; I am just paying a couple cents every time I turn on the lights. Wrong. How many light bulbs do you have in your house? And how many appliances do you leave plugged in 24/7? The average home uses 1,000 kWh per month racking up the electricity bill to about $1200 a year.

I am going to let you in on a little secret. All power (electricity) comes from the grid and all that power is the same quality; it actually is the exact same. Each company has created different plans to break up the market and meet consumers' unique needs. The country is broken into deregulated and regulated states. If the state you live in is regulated, you will only have one option for an electricity provider. If you are in a deregulated area like Texas or New York, you can have hundreds of options for providers and plans. The funny part about deregulated areas is that all the energy, or electricity, is essentially the exact same. Each provider pulls out all the bells and whistles to make their company look the best or have the most enticing plans when in reality, they aren’t offering anything different than the company next door. The hard part about deregulated areas is figuring out how to see through all the glitter. The good part is if you play your cards right, you can get an amazing plan for an amazing price and with amazing service. Some companies come out with the cheapest price you could imagine, but then secretly up the price without you noticing month after month. Other companies try to win residents by offering free nights or catchy plans and then bump up the price in areas you aren't looking.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry! My Utilities is on your team and studies the market daily so you don't have to stress. Our goal is to make choosing an electricity provider as easy as possible. Don’t stress about understanding how many kWh you are burning through as you blow-dry your beautiful locks in the morning; My Utilities has your back. We know how usage affects rates, which questions to ask, and which companies are going to work with you and not against you when your power goes out.

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