Moving Simplified

Moving is arguably one of the most stressful situations we encounter in a lifetime. One-third of American’s reside in a different home than they did five years ago, the average American moves approximately 11 different times throughout life. No matter how many moves made in a lifetime, there are

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Vivint Rocks | My Utilities

Wondering if Vivint is the best system for you?

Let’s Talk About Why Vivint Rocks.

First off, did you catch the Fox4 News Monday night? A burglar entered a Vivint protected house in the middle of the night on Sunday Vivint preformed flawlessly. Upon break-in residents immediately received notifications,

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Why Security Systems Are #WorthIt.

Ok, let’s be honest for a second. When you hear the phrase “security system”, what do you think?...

Until about three weeks ago I pridefully thought they were wimpy. I know, I know, you’re thinking, “what kind of jerk is writing this article?!”, but hey!!, I thought we

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